Spring 22

Eye to eye: seeing underwater

Eye to eye: seeing underwater

Douglas David Seifert peers into the eyes of fish and other marine species to take a close look at how creatures see underwater
A pirate’s life: the story of Raja Ampat’s Calico Jack

A pirate’s life: the story of Raja Ampat’s Calico Jack

ByAlfred MinnaarJun 16, 2022
Calico Jack is a tale of two unlikely partners who built their own ship, survived a pandemic, and now run one of the most successful liveaboards in Raja Ampat
Cover of Life on the Rocks

Review: Life On The Rocks

ByGraeme GourlayMay 20, 2022
A moving story by Julie Berwald intertwines a personal drama with the global crisis of coral conservation.
sea lions surround a bair ball

Hunting with striped marlin in Baja California

ByDIVE ContributorsMay 13, 2022
Adrenaline diving chasing bait balls in Magdalena Bay - just watch out for the lethal bills of the striped marlin
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