DIVE Contributors
Expert scuba divers, journalists, writers and photographers who have contributed amazing articles to DIVE magazine over the years.
Inspiring Hope – an interview with Cristina ‘Mitty’ Mittermeier
Graeme Green talks to Cristina 'Mitty' Mittermeier about close calls with ocean giants, her new book, and her favourite scuba diving locations
High-style diving on Wakatobi’s Pelagian – not your average liveaboard
Do you want a luxury dive trip to an idyllic island resort or a liveaboard cruising distant reefs? Wakatobi's Pelagian means you can have both
Marine Curios #17 – Â Argonaut, or paper nautilus
Named for the sailors of Greek mythology, argonauts, also known as paper nautili, are a unique group of shelled octopuses (and can't sail)
Wild Edges – an interview with photographer Rebecca Douglas
Photographer Rebecca Douglas talks to Joanne O’Brien about her connection to the sea, and the wild edges of the UK coast
Where Oceans Meet – the amazing biodiversity of Cornwall
Three ocean currents meet in the waters around Cornwall. Lewis Jeffries explores the vast diversity of marine life that thrives there as a result
Scuba diving Derawan – the other side of the Sulawesi Sea
Mark B Hatter jumps on board the Raja Ampat Aggressor for a cruise across Indonesia's Sulawesi Sea to the beautiful diving of the Derawan Islands
Marine Curios #16 – Ctenoides ales or disco clam
It was given its name for its flashing light display, but Ctenoides ales, the disco clam, is more like a mirrorball than a dancefloor strobe
Into the Unknown – scuba diving new sites in Bolsel, Sulawesi
Todd and Bic Aki hear of a new scuba diving spot in a rarely visited part of Sulawesi and go exploring in Bolaang Mongondow Setatan - Bolsel
Taking the Lead – the women of Indonesia’s Coral Catch
Coral Catch’s restoration scholarship doesn’t just revitalise reefs, it propels Indonesian women into the ocean science industry
Marine Curios #15 – Regalecus glesne, or giant oarfish
The subject of many marine myths and sea serpent legends, the misnamed giant oarfish doesn't actually row itself anywhere.
Marine Curios #14 – Kiwa hirsuta, or Yeti crab
Kiwa hirsuta - the Yeti crab - prefers it not too hot, and not too cold, but just right, down there in its hairy hydrothermal depths.
Marine Curios #13 – Marrus orthocanna, a pelagic siphonophore
Marrus orthocanna - a deeper, darker, colder relative of the Portuguese man o' war but with much less of a sting in its tail
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