Featured Photographer – Rowan Dear

Growing up on a small farm in Wales, UK, I spent much of my time outdoors, surrounded by nature, and constantly discovering new animals to identify. Despite relocating to Australia in 2010, my fear of water persisted, and it wasn’t until 2017 that I summoned the courage to undertake my Open Water course, bravely diving into the cold, murky depths of Sydney’s winter waters.

Initially, my diving experiences primarily consisted of boat dives in Sydney during winter, as well as a few overseas trips to Thailand, the Philippines, and South Africa, where I captured videos and photos using a GoPro. It wasn’t until 2020 when I purchased my first underwater housing for my camera that my passion for diving and photography truly blossomed.

Although I once believed myself to be a competent photographer, upon reflection, I now struggle to recognize my earlier photos as my own. The turning point came when I participated in a beginner photography course with Matty Smith, who taught us to break free from Auto mode, shoot in Manual, and grasp the basic principles of composing underwater shots of animals. This revelation spurred me to practice tirelessly, honing my skills and gradually expanding my gear with additions like strobes while learning to master their use.

While content with my progress, I felt the need for further guidance to elevate my photography to the next level. Consequently, I enrolled in Matty Smith’s Advanced course, where I discovered the importance of planning the desired images in advance, especially when diving at familiar sites. This approach allowed me to enter the water with a clear vision of the style and type of images I aimed to capture from the marine life encountered.

Despite winning several local and global competitions, I remain aware of the vast room for improvement and the plethora of marine creatures and global destinations yet to explore. This year, my adventures include trips to Hawaii and Patagonia, while next year promises a dream excursion to Tiger Beach in the Bahamas and shark safaris in Cabo, Mexico.

Eye Contact

Taken in the beautiful blue water of Niue, A baby humpback whale swims up to me, turning as he approaches and makes eye-to-eye contact with me before swimming away and flicking his tail.

Over the next several days, he would come and do this to our group on many occasions, whilst mum would watch on either from the deep or on the surface. Without doubt the most mind-blowing experience I have ever had underwater, with countless special moments and images that will stay with me forever.

Portrait Of A Dragon

A male Leafy Sea Dragon, taken at Rapid Bay Jetty, South Australia.

One of the most fascinating looking animals on the planet, I had wanted to see one since I learnt of their existence, and had desperately wanted to get a perfect front-on shot.

Having spent several days shooting the leafies and their habitat, I decided to switch to the Sony 90mm macro lens for a night dive. Whilst shy at first, this male leafy- who was also carrying eggs- eventually became more comfortable in my presence. Using a red video light to help focus and not scare away the leafy, it finally turned and momentarily paused and looked straight at me, head on to create this perfect portrait.

Taken using the Sony 90mm Macro Lens, Red Video Light and INON Z330 Strobes

Depth Perception

A smack of jellyfish blubber, at Shelly Beach, Sydney.

These Jellyfish had been seen in their hundreds each of the last 3 years gathering in the bay at one of Sydney’s popular beaches. This particular year, there were more than I had ever seen, with some sections being several metres deep and densely populated. Swimming into the smack and shooting downwards into the deepest concentration of the jellies I was hoping to create this otherworldly image and show plenty of depth and show just how may there were of them.

Crossing Paths

Two Leopard Sharks cross over one another at different depths in the blue waters of Julian Rocks, Byron Bay.

The first time I dived at Julian Rocks in 2020, was the most magical dive I had done- with Manta Rays, leopard sharks, eagle rays and much more all crossing over one another. It was what inspired me to purchase my first underwater setup. So armed with a proper camera I went back in 2021 hoping to get some shots I could print and put on my wall.

Unfortunately, the weather didn’t play ball, so I returned in 2022 and got perfect conditions and on the last day we had 15-20 leopard sharks all in one spot and I finally got the image I wanted. I have been back every year since, and I am sure I will continue to do so for many years.

When the stars align

Three adult humpback whales all align to check us out during a whale swim in Niue.

Sometimes, being in the water with these animals feels like a dream- and this was that moment was that dream. As we followed and watched these 3 adults- breaching, pec and tail slapping, nudging each other- for some time, then all of a sudden the whale in the middle sat bolt upright in the water and focused its gaze on us, at the same time the other two whales came perfectly over each side of the whale and created this incredible scene.


A male giant cuttlefish squirts ink at a rival male during the annual mating season in Whyalla, South Australia.

First Moments

A baby green sea turtle enters the water for the first time at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef.

Having seen so many stunning images of baby turtles in the water, I had wanted to capture something like that for many years. Heron Island was the best place for that, with countless eruptions of baby turtles every night of our trip.

This image was taken as the sun was setting on our first evening, as the turtles came down the beach there were countless birds trying to have a cheap dinner. Those turtles lucky enough to make it into the water were then faced with the countless reef and lemon sharks waiting for their turn at the turtle buffet. I’d like to hope this little one made it and will return one day to the waters It was born in.


A large fever of Mobula Ray, La Venatana Mexico.

Two Worlds

Taken in the rock pools of Niue

After a morning of swimming with Whales, Niue is a perfect spot to then spend the afternoon exploring the coastline, with numerous rock pools and caves. I had waited for the right tide and a sunny day, to spend some time sitting in these rock pools, trying to get a perfect split shot with the contrast of the lush green land and the blue sky along with the beautiful coral reef.

Heart Of The Ocean

A Giant Cuttlefish rears up and goes into defensive mode, squirting ink towards a male rival.

Some people say the cuttlefish looks like a bouquet of flowers, even a court jesters’ hat, but I like to think of it as the heart of the ocean.

Calamari Kid

A Calamari Squid, taken during a night dive in Sydney Harbour

Clifton Gardens in Sydney’s Northern Beaches is one of my favourite dive sites and an absolute gem of a macro site. One of my favourite subjects here is the charismatic calamari squid which, during a night dive, become attracted to your light and sometimes even hunt using the light. The chromatophores that they use for camouflage look incredible lit up at night, and create this beautiful artwork.

Dancing in the sunlight

Cenote Maravilla, Mexico.

When I was younger, I was quite claustrophobic and also not very comfortable with water, so the idea of Cavern diving back when would have been impossible.

Maravilla is a stunning sinkhole, where at the right time of day you get this incredible shaft of light coming through about 30m into the cavern. Whilst I was scuba diving with a private guide, his partner happened to be running a freediving course that day and dived decided to dive down and pose for these photos for me.

Slow down

A Grey Nurse Shark using a slow shutter speed to create a 3-D image, gets so close it brushes against my dome port.

Father of the year

Like seahorses, the Male Eastern Gobbleguts carries the eggs of its young until they are ready to be born. The bright orange eggs are sometimes so large in number that they protrude from its mouth and it has to puff out its mouth and keep it open the whole time.

Taken at Sydney’s top macro site of Clifton Gardens during a night dive, where they are more active and less shy with their brood.

Taken using the Sony 90mm Macro Lens, Red Video Light and INON Z330 Strobes

Floating in space

Our favourite baby whale, rolls on his side in joy, whipping his tail and creating bubbles in the water. Usually I’m not a fan of any backscatter, or bubbles, but I liked to way they gave the baby an otherworld appearance.

Sea pandas

Swimming with Orca has been on my bucket list ever since I can remember, one of the most fascinating and incredible animals in the ocean. We went to Mexico in 2023 during Mobula Ray season, in the hope of seeing them, but after 4 days we had not heard of any sightings.

Then on the afternoon of the final day, just as I was falling asleep with the gentle rocking of the ocean as we waited out in the deep I woke up to the shout of ‘’Orca’’. At first, I thought it was a joke, but then looked over the side and saw 6 Orcas at the side of our boat. We then spent 2 hours with them, with no other boat in sight (a rare occurrence these days in Baja). Whilst they were not overly inquisitive about us, it was still a dream to share the water with them.

Mating Season

A male and female Giant Cuttlefish mate, face to face where the male passes sperm into the female’s mouth. Whyalla, South Australia.

Blue Devil

A southern blue devil at Rapid Bay Jetty, South Australia. Taken during a night dive

You can find more from Rowan, including prints for sale, on Instagram @rdearphotography

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