New ‘Oceanic 31’ Shark Trust art exhibition

OCeanic 31 exhibit, 'Bigeye Sandtiger Hunting, (oil and canvas) by Marc Dando
Oceanic 31 exhibit, ‘Bigeye Sandtiger Hunting, (oil and canvas) by Marc Dando


The Shark Trust has announced the launch of its new ‘Oceanic 31‘ art exhibition, a collection of work by a group of artists who are passionate about sharks, conservation, and using art as a tool for positive change.


Each of the 31 paintings, drawings, sculptures and digital media featured in the exhibition – part of the Shark Trust’s Big Shark Pledge Campaign – represents a species of shark or ray that lives in the open ocean. The exhibition will be displayed at venues around the UK and can also be viewed virtually.

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shark trust big shark pledge logo

Why ‘Oceanic 31’?

In 2021, a review of the conservation status of the 31 pelagic shark and ray species found that 24 – 70 per cent – are under threat of extinction, according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Some of the better-known species under threat include great whites and whale sharks, but others, such as the pygmy longhorned devil ray (Mobula eregoodoo), are not so well known.

As the name suggests, pelagic species spend most of their adult lives in the open ocean, beyond international borders and the laws that may govern them, and as such, are at heightened risk of overexploitation due to a lack of agreed management and enforcement of regulations.

oceanic 31 silky street by scapa joe
Oceanic 31 exhibit ‘Silky Street’ (acrylics on canvas) by Scapa Jo

The Big Shark Pledge

The Shark Trust’s Big Shark Pledge is an ambitious campaign to put pressure on governments and fisheries to protect sharks and rays by raising public awareness of the dangers they face.

Paul Cox, Shark Trust CEO, said: ‘This exhibition gives us the opportunity to reach out to a new audience. And inspire more people with the wonderful sharks and rays on which our Big Shark Pledge campaign is based. We are immensely grateful to the 31 artists who have worked so hard to create these works and to Trebah Gardens for giving us an opportunity to bring them together for the first time.’

shark trust oceanic 31 virtual exhibition
A virtual exhibition of the artworks is available for remote viewing

Oceanic 31 will be on display at Trebah Garden, near Falmouth, until 15 July 15th, 2023, after which it will move to the Blue Planet Aquarium near Chester, between Friday 25 August and Monday 4 September. A UK tour will follow in the 18 months following the launch – dates and venues to be published on the Shark Trust website.

For those unable to attend in person, a 360° virtual exhibition has been set up to ensure the exhibition is viewable throughout the world. Limited edition prints of some of the exhibits are available to buy, plus a raffle and auction for the original pieces will be held with all proceeds going towards the Shark Trust’s Big Shark Pledge campaign

For more information, times and dates, head to

Mark 'Crowley' Russell

Filed under: Briefing
Tagged with: Shark Trust, Sharks

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