Issue # 33: The Magazine with Bite
DIVE’s latest print magazine is out now, and this Spring, we have a magazine with bite! Take advantage of our trial £1 for 3 months subscription* to get your copy now!
*£1 for 3 months print and digital subscription (normally priced at £22.99 in the UK) including all content and 100+ digital back issues. Renews at regular yearly subscription price after 3 months – no obligation; cancellable any time. Available worldwide (international shipping extra).

The population of grey reef sharks in the Maldives is positively booming, thanks in part to restrictions implemented by eco-conscious tour operators. Graeme Gourlay took a scooter ride through a huge gathering of schooling sharks – which appeared entirely unconcerned by his presence – before heading out to explore Moofushi’s best diving; beautifully illustrated by Francesca Page.
Read: The Ride of Your Life – with Maldives grey reef sharks

The ancient Maya peoples had an extraordinarily close relationship with bull sharks. Today, with the onset of mass tourism, shark diving is all the rage – but there is a community of divers, scientists and tour operators seeking to preserve the Yucatán’s special relationship with sharks. Mark ‘Crowley’ Russell explores the gathering, with stunning photographs from Valentina Cucchiara.
Read: Working together – the bull shark feeding dives of Mexico

On the other side of the world, and far removed from Mexico’s regulatory sophistication, Fiji’s bull shark feeding business is booming. Photographer and author, Alison Smith takes a look at how responsible tour operators are striking a delicate balance between their livelihoods and shark conservation.
Read: Fiji’s Pacific shark feeding boom

Every year a horde of spider crabs marches across the shores of Cornwall, a scene reminiscent of sci-fi movies and alien invasions. Lewis Jefferies set out to photograph one of the UK’s most phenomenal underwater spectacles, and ask how human fishers manage their relationship with the newly-crowned Cornish Kings.
Read: The Red Army – Cornwall’s kingdom of spider crabs

DIVE’s Big Shot Cephalopods had an amazing response, with hundreds of entries to wade through to pick the winners. Check out the spectacularly colourful winning photograph and highly-commended runners-up as they were meant to be seen – on the beautifully glossy art-quality stock of DIVE’s print magazine.
See: DIVE’s Big Shot Cephalopods – THE WINNERS!

Never been narc’d? Mark ‘Crowley’ Russell reckons you probably have, but weren’t aware that you were. Too often people joke about pink elephants and talkative fish, but – rather like a few too many beers – underwater giddiness can get you into a whole load of trouble, if you don’t take a moment to concentrate.
Read: Nitrogen Narcosis – beware the Raptures of the Deep
More DIVE Magazine previews:
- DIVE Magazine Winter 2023/24 – Expect the Unexpected
- DIVE Magazine Summer 2023 – To the Limits
- DIVE Magazine Spring 2023 – Thinking Big
- DIVE Magazine Winter 2023 – Life Changing
- DIVE Magazine Autumn 2022 – More to Discover