Shark Finning
Greenpeace longline report highlights shark bycatch and severe fishery depletion
A Greenpeace investigation into Pacific longline fisheries reports how three sharks are killed every hour in severely depleted waters
Panama police seize six tonnes of shark fins
Police in Panama have seized more than six tonnes of illegally traded shark fins, five people have been arrested
UK shark fins ban bill moves forward for Royal Assent
A ban on the trade in shark fins will be signed into law following succesful campaigning by Shark Guardian, Bite-back and the Shark Trust
Why Isla Guadalupe needs shark tourism
A new video from TheMalibuArtist explains why shark diving tourism at Isla Guadalupe is vital to ensure the safety of its great white sharks
How can we save sharks – and what doesn’t work
Scientists and shark campaigner David Shiffman outlines three simple steps we can all take to help save sharks
Hawaii first US state to ban shark fishing
In January 2022, Hawaii became the first US state to ban shark fishing in its waters, with violators facing fines of up to US$10,000.
Stop EU Shark Finning reaches campaign target
The campaign to end the shark fin trade across the EU has exceeded the required level of support from EU citizens across 12 member states
Shark Guardian investigation finds endangered shark fins for sale in Taiwan
A field investigation by UK charity Shark Guardian has revealed the alarming extent of the illegal shark-fin trade in Taiwan.
Sharkwater Extinction – a tribute to Rob Stewart
This emotional and hard-hitting film is a fitting tribute to this courageous campaigner, diver and filmmaker. Essential viewing.
Rob Stewart died of drowning due to hypoxia
Autopsy shows Sharkwater filmmaker Rob Stewart died of drowning due to hypoxia while filming Sharkwater Extinction
Shark Girl Madison Stewart on starting Project Hiu
Alfred Minnaar interviews Shark Girl 'Pip' Madison Stewart about Project Hiu - a project to stop shark fishing in Indonesia
One third of all sharks and rays threatened with extinction
A major new study re-assessing the IUCN Red List status for all sharks, rays and chimaeras has found that more than one-third of…
Shark Guardian’s Finspire Change brings UK law change
The import and export of shark fins is to be banned by the UK government thanks inpart to Shark Guardian's Finspire Change campaign.
Greenpeace report highlights abuses by Taiwanese fishing fleet
A shocking new report by Greenpeace details forced labour, appalling conditions and persistent breaches of international agreements on shark fishing in Taiwan’s…