New Zealand
New Zealand diver killed in ‘great white shark’ attack
A 24-year-old commercial diver has died after being mauled by a shark – believed to be a great white –…
New species of chimaera discovered in New Zealand
A new species of chimaera - aka ghost shark - the narrow-nosed spookfish, has been discovered by scientists in New Zealand
New species of shark discovered off New Zealand
A new species of shark has been discovered off the coast of New Zealand, and four others moved to a new family
100 new ocean species discovered in New Zealand
Scientists from New Zealand's NIWA may have discovered 100 species new to science during an expedition to the nearby Bounty Trough,
Best places to dive and snorkel in New Zealand
Looking for a new adventure? Here's ten of the best places for scuba diving and snorkelling in the beautiful country of New Zealand.
New whale species described by New Zealand scientists
A New Zealand beaked whale stranding has led scientists to discover it is a previously unrecorded genetically distinct species