
One of Europe's most popular scuba diving destinations, Malta and Gozo are great places to visit, and a favourite for historical and technical wreck divers
overhead shot of the steps and shore of the dive site entrance at cirkewwa in malta

British scuba diver dies after ‘feeling unwell’ during dive in Ċirkewwa, Malta

A British scuba diver has died after reportedly surfacing from a dive off Ċirkewwa, Malta, saying he was 'feeling unwell'.
mater dei hospital in malta

Malta hyperbaric consultant suspended following death of Polish diver

ByDIVE StaffSep 23, 2024
Divers call for investigation after hyperbaric consultant went home leaving Krzysztof Białecki's care in the hands of a trainee operator
a helicopter and a rescue boat recovering divers from rough seas around malta

Five divers rescued near Malta’s Wied iż-Żurrieq

Five divers were rescued in a joing operation by Armed Forces Malta and the Civil Protection department off Wied iż-Żurrieq
The best places in the world for scuba diving

The best places in the world for scuba diving

Need ideas for your next scuba diving adventure? Here's a rundown of the best places in the world to scuba dive, according to DIVE's readers.
wreck of the ss polynesien shot from the stern

Two Polish divers die exploring Malta’s Le Polynesien wreck

Two Polish divers have died following a dive to the wreck of Le Polynesien, a First World War shipwreck off Żonqor Point, Marsascala, Malta.
Swiss woman dies diving at Dwejra, Gozo

Swiss woman dies diving at Dwejra, Gozo

ByDIVE StaffMay 13, 2024
A 44-year-old Swiss woman has reportedly died after being pulled from the water in Dwejra Bay off the island of Gozo, Malta
gradutates of the scuba diving safety degree course

First Diving Safety Management degree graduates honoured in Malta

The first graduates of the first Bachelor of Science in Diving Safety Management degrees honoured at a ceremony in Malta.
Movie review – The Dive

Movie review – The Dive

The relationship between two sisters is tested in indie thriller, The Dive, although divers will need to suspend some disbelief to enjoy it
Judge overturns Malta dive buddy death ruling

Judge overturns Malta dive buddy death ruling

A Maltese judge has overturned a diver's conviction for involuntary manslaughter following the January 2020 death of his dive buddy in Gozo
Divers outraged at Malta dive death court ruling

Divers outraged at Malta dive death court ruling

Divers in Malta have expressed 'grave concern' after a diver was found guilty of the involuntary homicide of his dive buddy, Christine Gauci
Malta P-33 wreck smashed by storms

Malta P-33 wreck smashed by storms

Malta's most recent wreck dive, a decommissioned P-33 patrol boat, has been severely damaged by winter storms, according to reports
Malta’s deep wrecks | HMS Nasturtium and SS Polynesien

Malta’s deep wrecks | HMS Nasturtium and SS Polynesien

Many of the wrecks around Malta are from the First World War - HMS Nasturtian and SS Polynesien being two recently unveiled by Heritage Malta
Malta’s deep wrecks | SS Luciston and HMS Trusty Star

Malta’s deep wrecks | SS Luciston and HMS Trusty Star

The WWI wreck SS Luciston and WWII's HMS Trusty Star were largely unknown until investigated by Malta's Underwater Cultural Heritage Unit
Malta’s deep wrecks | Fairey Swordfish and Junkers JU88

Malta’s deep wrecks | Fairey Swordfish and Junkers JU88

The Fairey Swordfish and Junkers JU88 were instrumental aircraft during WWII, with two notable examples now deep wrecks for divers
Malta’s deep wrecks | ORP Kujawiak (L72) and Schnellboot S-31

Malta’s deep wrecks | ORP Kujawiak (L72) and Schnellboot S-31

Polish destroyer ORP Kujawiak and the German Schnellboot S-31 are two deep Second World War wrecks now protected by Heritage Malta
Malta’s deep wrecks | HMS Southwold

Malta’s deep wrecks | HMS Southwold

The WWII wreck of HMS Southwold was brought under the protection of Heritage Malta as a shipwreck of special historical significance.
Malta’s deep wrecks | HMS Olympus and HMS Russell

Malta’s deep wrecks | HMS Olympus and HMS Russell

A staggering amount of tonnage was sunk around Malta during WWII. HMS Olympus and HMS Russell are two ships recently opened for tech diving
in depth maltas wrecks

The best of Malta’s wreck dives

ByDIVE ContributorsJan 11, 2022
For many divers, the Maltese archipelago is all about the wrecks. Here’s DIVE's guide to some of the best of Malta's wreck dives.
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