Issue # 27: Oceans of Discovery
DIVE’s Summer 2022 magazine is out now – and this year, it’s a summer of discovery – from a new approach to underwater living, to what might be the best new shark diving hotspot on the planet. Order your copy now or subscribe for a year from just £9.99
*£9.99 for a digital-only subscription including all content plus 80+ digital back issues. £22.99 for all digital content plus 4 x art-quality quarterly print magazines for £22.99. Available worldwide (international shipping extra).

Very few people outside of the Maldives will have ever heard of Fuvahmulah, even if it is one of the most populous islands in the Maldives – but this is about to change. Home to a tuna fishery whose age is measured in centuries, it is also attracted a huge population of tiger sharks, particularly pregnant matriarchs who gather to feed on discarded fish before pupping. David Double reports from behind the lens on how it feels to be surrounded by tigers, with added photography by Alastair Scarlett and Matthew Ruane

Fabien Cousteau is seeking not to just continue his grandfather’s legacy, but to improve on the ideas of underwater habitation that Jacques Cousteau’s Conshelf projects left behind. Graeme Gourlay spoke with Fabien about his desire to continue humanity’s exploration of the underwater world in order to better protect it, as his new station, Proteus, is about to become reality off the shores of Curaçao.

Want to build your own Thistlegorm? Holger and Nicola Buss have painstakingly and meticulously photographed the Red Sea’s most iconic ships to render photogrammetric blueprints that anybody with a 3D printer can use to recreate scale replicas of their favourite wrecks – and he’s giving them away for free!

The Lembeh Strait is quite possibly the most photographed stretch of mucky black sand in the whole wide world – but for myriad good reasons. Helmut Theiss showcases some of the most wonderful critters that make Lembeh their home, with his stunning macro photography.

We’ve had such an amazing response to the Featured Photographer section of our website that we’ve brought another collection to the glossy art-quality pages of our print magazine, where the best photography in the world belongs.

Sometimes, no matter how thoroughly you plan your dive, sometimes things go wrong. DIVE’s former full-time instructor Mark ‘Crowley’ Russell recalls the time he went into panic mode underwater, and passes on the lessons he learned so that with a bit of forward-thinking, other divers never will.