DIVE Magazine is an Amazon Associate, and products featured in some of our equipment articles may contain links to Amazon where the product can be purchased.
DIVE Magazine earns commission from purchases made through these links, which helps us to remain in print, keep our website running and create all the great content which is, largely, free to our readers.
The product placement is not paid for by the manufacturers – such articles always contain a ‘Sponsored Feature‘ notification – but are researched and selected by DIVE’s staff as appropriate choices for the nature of the article.
Content within the affiliate articles is likewise written by us, and always comprised of information taken from the product’s specifications, plus additional opinion and observations based on our extensive experience within the scuba diving marketplace.
We usually include a link to the product manufacturer’s website alongside the Amazon Affiliate link, should you wish to make an online purchase directly from that company, or locate a dealership which you can visit in person.
DIVE Magazine recommends that if you have any uncertainty about any scuba diving product you intend to purchase, that you seek assistance – and purchase the product – in person, at a local dive shop.